Monday, November 26, 2007

Yes yes I know I know.

I really do need to remember this more.
Maybe if I had something warm to drink.

Funny thing about only being 56% is I've been thinking more and more about getting a "something" for at home. Not sure if just simple drip one cup at a time thing all the way up to an espresso machine with a frother. The Frother is manditory. ^_~ (found that from

Thing is the more I learn and experiment the more super picky I get. I loathe the next time I go into the Cafe Viviace by work and order my orange mocha. I don't want inches of foam. It's pretty to look at but I'd rather have beverage. And their shaker of raw sugar is always always jammed up. I need to find packets of the stuff to keep on hand. And I guess it makes me kind of like Nana as she prefers her Muscovado or Demerrara sugar in her Nescafe. Mom would get which ever she could find for when Nana visited. I'm too cheap to figure out which one I really do prefer so I'll just stick with what I can get easy and not too expensive, Sugar In The Raw. ^_^

It's so ccold and rainy I could go for a good cup of something warm but I've only got access to green tea and I'm not wanting it right now. And I'm too poor just now to get something good from Starbarf's or wherever. It's also just a little late to be drinking coffee or tea. And decaf is just wrong!

Reminds me I'm out of the Oregon Chai Vanilla Chai packets I keep at work. I had the last one this morning. Means I'll have to be extra careful about the lovely tea I've got there that I've been hoarding. Sucks I'll have to pay for decent milk/cream as they've change the creamer by the free coffee from those Mini-Moos to packets of death. Yes I hate hate hate powdered "creamer" or "lightener"! It's just so beyond wrong!

But I'll be good tonight and drink the last of my fourth bottle of water and that makes 2liters for the day. Blah.

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